Whether the audience agreed or not, our favorite part (of ours) of the Crunchies was the movie posters bit. Inspired by the success of the Social Network, we'd brainstormed a few ideas for Silicon Valley themed movies of our own, complete with promotional posters to help with the pitch.
In case you missed seeing them live, here they are.
The first is "Weekend at MySpace" - a remake of weekend at Bernies, starring MySpace as Bernie…
(Aww – just look at them pretending it's still alive.)
Then there's "Google's Self Driving Car goes Bananas"…
Angelgate made big news this year and so it's inevitable that it would get the Hollywood treatment. Sure enough, here's our Dave Mcclure vehicle: "Honey I Colluded to Artificially Shrink the Valuation"…
(It's hard to tell from the poster, but that's Clavier in the dog costume.)
Finally, the one we're most excited about: a big budget remake of High Noon relocated to tech town and starring our own Michael Arrington and Engadget's Joshua Topolsky…